Link for translations doesn't take glossary 'Highlight terms from the following space(s)' into consideration

Issue #44 resolved
Mike Fornefett created an issue

Maybe it is not clear if this is really a bug. But I think the behavior is not wanted.

In case you set “Highlight terms from the following space(s)” to the local space only, you surly want to have links for translations only selected from a list of entries from the spaces selected in the “Highlight”-setting.

Now, independent of the “Highlight”-settings you get a (unsorted (!)) list of all entries of all spaces. Actually, we work with the local glossary of the space only, and it should be that we get a sorted list (!) of entries to choose for translation only from that local glossary.

Now, users of the one space see actually entries through the selection list for translations from other spaces, to which they do not have read access! I think this is a security issue. Even if “Highlight”-settings is not set, users should see only entries from spaces to which they have at least read access.

Thanks for listening.

Comments (1)

  1. Support wKnowledge

    Hi Mike,

    Thank you for your collaboration, and I apologize for the delayed response.

    I'm pleased to inform you that the issue has been resolved in the 5.0.0 version of the app.

    Best regards, Jennifer

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