Highlight abbreviations in the middle of words

Issue #48 resolved
Espinosa-Gonzales.francycatalina created an issue

We would like to ask,

  • Is it possible NOT to highlight the abbreviations when they are in the middle of a word?

Please see attached Image. The word “befüllen” gets highlighted because it contains the abbreviation FÜL which is also written in the term Information in uppercase letters, but it still gets highlighted in the middle of the word even if it is written in lowercase.

We are using the Highlighting case sensitivity given in the Glossary space admin.

  • Is there a way to solve this issue while also deactivating the case sensitivity function for the highlighting?

If This is NOT possible, then just a way to solve the main issue

Comments (4)

  1. Support wKnowledge

    Hi Espinosa, many thanks for reaching out.

    Yes, please choose whole-word option for the highlight method. Glossary management -> Highlight then change Highlight method value.

    We remain at your disposal for any further information.

    Best regards, Jennifer

  2. Support wKnowledge

    Hi Espinosa,

    A new version 4.7.0 has been released which resolves the issue.

    We remain at your disposal for any further information.

    Best regards, Jennifer

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