Clone wikiGlossary - Terminology manager / Glossary 4.0.0 release notes
1- Main features added
Workflow - Manage term status
Control panel
Glossary space admin
Highlight options
Enable highlighting
Enable term creation
2- Requested enhancements
Disable highlighting when on-click option selected
Highlight terms in comments
3- Issues
4: Suggestions Glossary - terminology manager
11: Enable a method to do a site/space "local" glossary
15: Further Highlight options
19: Allow Individual highlight options / with custom CSS too?
22: Additional State for Glossary Terms
27: Help! Add-on in Multi Tenanted Env concerns (Glossary - Terminology Manager)
31: Default Creation Space - not working as expected
32: Export function with definitions - problem with comma separation
33: Term origin - issues with activating/disabling and deleted values