Making a GUI with tablib >= 1.0.0

Issue #21 resolved
Ivan created an issue

When I integrate csb43 into pyinstaller there seems to be a problem with tablib >= 1.0.0
It only works if I use tablib==0.14.0
I get the error Error module 'tablib.formats._xls'.

Comments (6)

  1. wmj repo owner

    Without further information I can only guess that it is a tablib issue (not really, a freezing issue). That package has an architecture based on plugins, so you will have to declare the required modules in the pyinstaller spec for all the formats you want your program to support. See sections “binaries” and “hiddenimports” in PyInstaller’s docs.

  2. Ivan reporter

    Thank you very much, I managed to solve the problem with the hidden imports.
    The strange thing is that it still shows if I enable the console this error:

    \AppData_MEI31682\csb43\ FormatWarning: Package 'tablib' not found. Formats provided by 'tablib' will not be available.

    Anyway, that's not a problem for me anymore.

  3. wmj repo owner

    The module csb43.formats does soft imports too for tablib and yaml. You could try to add both packages to hiddenimports, so that they are found in the frozen distribution.

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