Failure in downloading pre-compiled version of Magpie and accessing to Magpie document and tutorial.

Issue #22 new
Former user created an issue

I tried to download percompiled version and use Magpie. However, neither the precompiled version nor the documentation and the tutorial were accessible. I only found error message which states: Not Found. Please correct the links.

Downloading a Precompiled Version A complete version of Magpie that has already been compiled is available for download. Since Magpie is written entirely in Java, this version should work without modification on any system with the Java Runtime Environment installed.

How do I learn to use Magpie? Documentation for Magpie is available on You may want to start with the tutorial.

Comments (3)

  1. Logan Ward

    Thanks for reporting this and sorry for my delay in replying.

    We’ve had issues with the build toolchain we’ve been using. I need to switch over to a new one and have started looking in to options.

    I will let you all know once I’ve got that worked out.

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