Connect JIRA desk to File Maker Pro

Issue #27 closed
Florie WIHTOL DE WENDEN created an issue


We would like to connect our JIRA desk software with an external software from one of our providers (file maker pro). We have installed the plugin "Api token for jira" but our provider has an authentication problem with the generated token.

Here is the result of the JQL command on their side:

{"errorMessages":["The value 'ID' does not exist for the field 'project'", "The field 'resolution' does not exist or this field cannot be displayed by anonymous users", "The field 'Team assignment' does not exist or this field cannot be displayed by anonymous users"], "errors":{}}.

You will find below the CURL command which simulates the problem:

curl -u "username:password" -X GET " %3D ID AND resolution %3D Unresolved AND "Assignation équipe" %3D TEAM-TMA-BUREAUTIQUE" -H "content-type: application/json".

I specify that we are on a version jira core v7.13.18 and jira desk v3.16.18.

Can you help us?

Thank you for your feedback


Comments (3)

  1. Roma Bubyakin [Wombats Corp]

    Hello Florie,

    Thank you for the ticket!

    Let’s localize the problem, first. Could you please check if it’s a token related issue. Please do two curl commands to that JQL:

    1. with login:password (e.g. -u 'admin:admin')
    2. with login:token (e.g. -u 'admin:a7l0ncjsQdOpsq3Hth9QzcULzbgw04Cn7ur')

    Looking forward to your results,


  2. Roma Bubyakin [Wombats Corp]

    Unfortunately, the issue is not reproducible locally. Because of the lack of additional information for further investigation ticket will be closed.

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