we are not able fetch the data using API token

Issue #29 closed
Abhishree hn created an issue

Hi Team,

We are using the API for token(Server).

We are trying to fetch the data using the API token but it is throwing 401 error and we tried with the basic authentication and it working . Please find the screen shot attached for the reference. Let us know the reason for this error and workaround.

Looking forward to hear from you.


Abhishree Nagesh

Comments (10)

  1. Roma Bubyakin [Wombats Corp]

    Hello Abhishree,

    Sorry to hear about that and thank you for opening the ticket!

    To resolve it or at least reproduce I need a bit more data from you.

    • Application logs (package: com.wombatscorp; log level DEBUG)
    • Installation details (product version, crowd connected, SSO enabled, etc.)

    Best Regards,


  2. Abhishree hn reporter

    Hi Roma,

    Please find the application logs below:

    Product version -jira-8.8.1
    product version -API token for jira- 4.2.1

    SSO(SAML) is Enabled.

    Looking forward to hear from you.


    Abhishree Nagesh

  3. Roma Bubyakin [Wombats Corp]

    Hi Abhishree,

    From logs, I can see that basic auth headers lost before the plugin’s code.

    Trying to reproduce it on my side.

    Will keep you updated.

    Regards, Roman

  4. Abhishree hn reporter

    @Roma Bubyakin [Wombats Corp] ,
    Awaiting for your reply and this is lagging out our production configuration / integration.
    Please provide us solution ASAP


    ABhishree Nagesh

  5. Abhishree hn reporter

    @Roma Bubyakin [Wombats Corp] ,

    There are so many days since we have been waiting for it
    we are commercially using it and we need to quick solution on this
    our business is being impacted by this.

    what might be the reason and let us know if it is from the network end
    or from the plugin
    we are able to authenticate with basic auth and we did not face these issues there

    Looking forward to hear from you.


    Abhishree Nagesh

  6. Roma Bubyakin [Wombats Corp]

    Hello Abhishree,

    Sincerly appologies for the late answer.

    I was trying to reproduce the issue.
    Unfortunatelly, it's not reproducible on my side.
    For further investigation I have to make deep dive with following things:

    1. Have it been working before?
      If yes, what was changed?
    2. Increase debug level to "TRACE"
      And provide logs
    3. Run
      curl -vLk '{baseurl}/rest/api/latest/configuration' --user {username}:{token} &> log.txt
      and provide log.txt file

    Best Regards,

  7. Roma Bubyakin [Wombats Corp]

    Unfortunately, the issue is not reproducible locally. Because of the lack of additional information for further investigation ticket will be closed.

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