Is this add-on will work to connect MS power Automation tolls with Jira Software (Server v-7.9.2)

Issue #42 closed
Nagarjun G created an issue

We would like to potentially leverage the “free” Power Automate connectivity into our JIRA workspace using an user generated JIRA API token. For example, to take advantage of the ability to automatically create an issue based on a MS forms submission, and kick of a project initiation/review and approval process.  Or, push a notification to a specific MS Teams board when an issue transitions through its workflow.

Please let me know that can we able to create an API token for users to connect both the applications?

Comments (3)

  1. Roma Bubyakin [Wombats Corp]

    Hello @Nagarjun G

    Thank you for reaching out to us!

    Unfortunately, there is no ability to make it works with “Power Automation”.

    For some reason, not related to the plugin, “Power Automation” does not work with API Tokens.

    I hope, in future updates, MS will fix it.

    Regards, Roman

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