woocommerce account customize free version (my subscription feature not showing in plugin settings )

Issue #11 on hold
1Family 1Health Pharmacy created an issue

Hi, i added the woocommerce account customize plugin, when i activated,you can see all existing END POINTS PAGES and i created a new link to a new page, when i open the account page shows all end points including MY SUBCRIPTIONS END POINT. But when i look back in the plugin settings, MY SUBSCRIPTIONS END POINT PAGE doesn't show in the list. I cant do anything with my subscriptions because is not listed. can you tell me what i am doing wrong please. thank you.

Comments (7)

  1. woomatrix support repo owner

    Which plugin are you using for subscriptions ?

    I can tell you only after i test both plugins together.

    best regards

  2. woomatrix support repo owner

    can you drop me a mail with concerned plugin zip in case you are still looking for help phppoet1986 at gmail.com

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