My Account Customizer - When a group is expanded, collapse all other groups

Issue #13 resolved
Simon Gevcen | Jeriss Cloud Center ™ created an issue

On my website, I have lots of groups. I want users to avoid using all the space on the screen with all groups all expanded. I only want one group expanded at a time. If one group is expanded, then all the other groups should be collapsed.

Comments (10)

  1. woomatrix support repo owner

    other groups are collapsed by default unless you set them to open by default. if you set them open by default then they are not expected to be closed while visiting other group/child endpoit url so better to uncheck “open by default” i will add icon support open and closed groups so that users can get idea that this is closed group and it can be expanded like this

  2. Simon Gevcen | Jeriss Cloud Center ™ reporter

    That’s not what I meant.

    1. Assume all groups are collapse.
    2. User expands 1 group.
    3. Then user expands another group => when this action occurs, the previous group expanded by the user should automatically collapse

  3. woomatrix support repo owner

    Fixed with update 2.2.5

    let me know if it still does not work for you. Make sure to press CTRL F5 to do hard refresh and clear caching etc of assets before testing

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