My Account Customizer - When collapsing the group, the new arrow doesn't revert to DOWN style

Issue #23 resolved
Simon Gevcen | Jeriss Cloud Center ™ created an issue

You added new icons arrows DOWN and UP when expanding or collapsing.

After expanding, then collapsing a group, the arrow is supposed to return to “DOWN” style => it doesn’t

See screenshot

Comments (5)

  1. woomatrix support repo owner

    working fine on our installations. let me check your site .

    have you done F5 hard refresh before testing ?

  2. Simon Gevcen | Jeriss Cloud Center ™ reporter

    I checked well and the issue is there. Please have a look carefully :

    • try collapsing a group by clicking on itself
    • try collapsing a group by expanding another group

    You’ll see the issue appearing. It’s not a cache issue, I did clear cache and still it appears.

    Video :

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