WooCommerce Easy Checkout Field Editor

Issue #25 resolved
Christiaan Grob created an issue

Hi, I updated the plugin but this is not working if the field is a number field. I changed the number field to a text field then it is no probleem to have the field specified as required even if it is visible based on conditional logic.

I think I know what is happening, the first option of the select field is "Make a selection" (placeholder translated with locotranslate), after placing the order it is showing the placeholder as value if no selection is made (even for the fiels who are not visible)

That triggers them to show in the email and etc.

Also what i noticed is it remembers the data even if i dont want them to be stored in the user account. So when placing a new order it should reset all these fields so i need to choose again what i want for this order, if id like to get my stuff delivered and picked up after rental period or a combination like, picking up by myself (renter) and when im done that the company picks it up for return, or the company does only do the delivery and im bringing it back myself. etc.

Clients rent the most of the time more then once, so they can order again but the fields should be refreshed

Comments (3)

  1. woomatrix support repo owner

    Latest update 3.1.2 should fix the issue reported by you.

    " conditonaly visible required number field not allowing to process checkout when hidden. "

    do not forget to clear cache and do hard refresh by pressing CTRL + F5 before testing

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