My Account Customizer - Sticky links exclusion settings lost after upgrades

Issue #28 resolved
Simon Gevcen | Jeriss Cloud Center ™ created an issue

Few days ago I enabled “sticky links exclusion” on all my endpoints. And I’ve noticed that after some updates, the exclusion returned now to “off” for all of them. I suppose those parameters may have been lost after an upgrade. I re-enabled now, and it works fine again but I’m just letting you know.

Comments (9)

  1. woomatrix support repo owner

    Perhaps you disabled wpml sticky plugin, plugin look for if wpml sticky plugin is active, if not active then that field is hidden. I will look into it

  2. Simon Gevcen | Jeriss Cloud Center ™ reporter

    I am noticing again this issue. After raising this issue, I made sure to enable WPML Sticky Links exclusion on all my endpoints, and now they’re gone again. Any help here?

  3. Simon Gevcen | Jeriss Cloud Center ™ reporter

    Hello, I am again seeing the same problem here. All WPML Sticky Links excusion are lost again. Please switch this issue back to “open” and please investigate here what is going wrong. I have been seeing this issue multiple times over and over again. Can you do something please? Thanks

  4. Simon Gevcen | Jeriss Cloud Center ™ reporter

    Hello, have you got any feedback for this? I still see the issue appearing day after day unfortunately. And regarding your question, no I haven’t disabled WPML.

  5. woomatrix support repo owner

    looking inot it. i have enabled wpml sticky links plugin while working in it . will update you soon

  6. woomatrix support repo owner

    I can replicate the issue. Issue is when you add new endpoint or group there if plugin didn’t inherited this wpml sticky option. working on fix. Issue is not related to wpml being active or not

  7. woomatrix support repo owner

    All seems fine now with update 2.2.39 . Let me know if there is anything else i can help you with.

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