My Account Customizer - Updates are failing despite license being active

Issue #31 resolved
Simon Gevcen | Jeriss Cloud Center ™ created an issue

Could not determine if updates are available for Customize My Account for WooCommerce Pro.

  1. GitHub API error. Base URL: "/repos/:user/:repo/releases/latest", HTTP status code: 401. puc-github-http-error
  2. GitHub API error. Base URL: "/repos/:user/:repo/tags", HTTP status code: 401. puc-github-http-error
  3. GitHub API error. Base URL: "/repos/:user/:repo/branches/main", HTTP status code: 401. puc-github-http-error
  4. Could not retrieve version information from the repository. This usually means that the update checker either can't connect to the repository or it's configured incorrectly. puc-no-update-source

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