It caused a serious error on my website

Issue #6 on hold
Former user created an issue

After activing your plugin (Customize My Account for WooCommerce), my woocommerce payment plugin stopped functioning, so I wanted to deactivate and remove it from my woocommerce website, but I couldn't even remove it on the admin page. So I decided to remove the folder on file manger manually. (It was urgent because customers were leaving without finishing the payment process)

But since I removed the folder manually, I started to get this error: Failed to load plugin url:

Is it related to your plugin? If so, can you share how to completely delete your plugin from my website?

Comments (2)

  1. woomatrix support repo owner

    no this error is not related to our plugin. i can assure you about that.

    let me know if you are still interested in using our plugin. i am open to help

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