Druid - Lifebloom/Revitalize

Issue #2 new
Lynnes created an issue

Name: Lifebloom Class: Druid What it should be doing: When it expire it should heal way more than its doin' now What it's currently doing: Healing way to low (expire heal) Unfortunately I couldn't find any video from retail or specific formula to calculate how it should be healin. However I made video from blizzlike server where you can see feral spec lifebloom healing so you can compare it :-). (Take notice that wow mortal feral heals more than resto - speaking about the expire heal)

Mortal WoW Lifebloom expire (Feral spec) - https://vid.me/O6YQ Mortal WoW Lifebloom expire (Resto spec) - https://vid.me/fGo0 Blizzlike server (Feral spec) - https://vid.me/AMQ9

Name: Revitalize Class: Resto Druid What it should be doing: Giving u a replenishment when you cast or refresh lifebloom What it's currently doing: It gives the replenishment only when u cast lifebloom not when u refresh it. I can be wrong here but I think that when you "refresh" (as stated in tooltip) lifebloom by direct heal, it should proc the replenishment too. Mortal WoW Replenishment - https://vid.me/XV4W

Thanks for takin' care of this :-).

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