Why do you have a bugtracker?

Issue #56 invalid
Former user created an issue

Why does wowmortal has a bugtracker? all the bugs were already reported on the forums but they haven't done a fix in over a year.

Now they make a bitbucket account and make a new bug tracker but without a real dev? Really disrespectful towards the players, they have already reported every bug but no one does anything with it (see the amount of reports on this tracker and the amount of fixes)

Comments (3)

  1. wowveteran

    its a server created by a jew to steal the stupid gentiles money .. i dont blame him i blame the tards that play there .. basically everyone on the server is a fire mage or rogue .. why ? oneshot everyone..i moved to atlantis for cata and warmane for wrath no pay to win server , no class buggs and i feel they do deserve my donations.

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