Create additional filter option to filter by year

Issue #55 new
Allen Cox created an issue

Additional filter option to filter by year for filter shortcode or archive page.

Comments (5)

  1. Rocky Swartz

    Eventually! We have over 350 sermons to filter through. Would be great if we can filter by year or even a from and to date field.

  2. Allen Cox reporter

    Currently the developer doesn't feel that adding a new "by year" filter is a useful enhancement. Much better filtering of this sort can be accomplished using dynamic AJAX code instead of the native WordPress method which is the method Sermon Manager is sticking to exclusively.

    If you disagree with this assessment please provide scenarios where your believe it would needed, helpful and not feasible with AJAX alternatives. Thanks

  3. Rocky Swartz

    Thank you for the feedback. Not being a programmer, I am not quite sure what "Ajax" or "native WordPress" involves. I think having a date period filter on a page other than the "Sermon Archive" page will not make sense. When you are trying to find a specific sermon out of 350 sermons, even you you do sub-filters on pastors, is still difficult.

    I have noted some php code in your knowledge base = Template Tags":

    wpfc_sermon_date( $args, $before = '', $after = '' ) You can use any valid date format. For example:wpfc_sermon_date('l, F j, Y')

    I haven't any idea where to use this and what results this will give me. It looked the closest code to querying dates.

    Thank you for your assistance

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