Conflict with SEO by Yeost - rewrite declaration breaking sitemap

Issue #61 new
Allen Cox created an issue

quoting problem as described by WP community member "twyker" from here.

The sermon manager plugin has a bad rewrite declaration in the code of the following file:


specifically, lines 132-139

The problem is that the rewrite specified on line 135 basically takes over ALL files with an XML extension, which of course causes issues for any other XML files that are generated on the WordPress site.

Since we're also using WordPress SEO by Yoast, we just commented out line 139 that activates that code for the site - then re-save the permalink settings as mugwumpman noted, and this fixes the issue. I'll submit this information to the Sermon Manager author as well - but wanted to note it here, given the above questions :)

Comments (4)

  1. Allen Cox reporter

    symptoms are whenever a client installs SEO by Yeost and then attempts to load the sitemap_index.xml page they get "ERROR: This is not a valid feed template."

  2. Allen Cox reporter

    user themps, from the WP repo community, says he has to comment out line 165 instead of lines 132-139 as others indicate.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi, is there any update on this issue? I'm experiencing this problem on my site too - Sermon Manager is causing my Yoast-generated XML sitemap to fail with "ERROR: This is not a valid feed template". I'm using Sermon Manager 2.0.2.

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