WordPress Codex Shortcode [playlist] not working in SM description field

Issue #63 resolved
Allen Cox created an issue

Member Ryan Clark brought up this issue in ticket 604.

Since WordPress 3.9, users have the option of inserting a media playlist into a post instead of just a single media file. Ryan wanted to use this enhancement to give a playlist of the individual music recordings to supplement the sermon. Here is the feature in action...


Once inserted into the post, WordPress generates a very simple shortcode


My example: [playlist ids="227,196,184"]

It displays in the regular post like this. I'm using the generic 2010 theme on my dev.


But if we copy this shortcode and past it into the sermon description field the shortcode does nothing but display itself.


What is SM doing that is preventing the [playlist] shortcode from operating?

Comments (2)

  1. Allen Cox reporter

    I should add that any WP short codes or even short codes provided by other plugins do not render when in the sermon description field. So this is a more general problem than specifically relating to [playlist]

    Please fix this so any short code can be properly rendered even if it is in the sermon desc field.

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