Sermon Feed sometimes has two enclosure tags which fails iTunes validation

Issue #65 new
Allen Cox created an issue

message copied from private email to customer Bodie Quirk

UPDATE: [copied from private email to Bodie] As for the original problem, I did get the developer to sit down and look at our plugin code to determine the root problem and it appears that we may have identified it but do not have a timetable yet for fixing it. WordPress feed generation is automatically creating enclosure tags for any post with an MP3 file attached to the post. Additionally, SM podcast function is inserting an enclosure tag for any MP3 URL referenced in the sermon post field. This explains why some posts have double enclosures while others have just one. Any sermon that has the MP3 URL pasted into the MP3 URL field (vs. uploading and attaching to sermon) will not be recognized by the WordPress feed generation and therefore skipped resulting in only one enclosure tag from SM.

Action: create code that will test to see if MP3 is attached to post and if so remove SM enclosure tag (because WP will generate enclosure tag if MP3 is attached)

Comments (3)

  1. Allen Cox reporter

    yes and no

    no: an actual fix has not been implemented

    yes: we now have two more bright minds on the WPforChurch team that are taking up this issue as well as all the other outstanding issues...stay tuned

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