Feed title blank even though it is correct in podcast settings

Issue #68 resolved
Allen Cox created an issue

Many SM users that rely on the podcasting feature are reporting that their podcasts in iTunes show no title and/or failing validation when attempting to add their sites to iTunes. This turns out to be the result of a new bug in SM where the podcast title is correct in the settings but SM code is failing to populate the feed with that title. See attached screenshots of our own church website (ouranchorholds.com) that displays these symptoms.



I suspect failure somewhere in the podcast-functions.php code file.

The following customer websites with sermon manager are reporting the issue:

http://www.brandonchurch.com/sermons/feed/ http://www.ankenyucc.org/feed/podcast http://victorybaptistpocono.com/feed/podcast

I have tagged all tickets in helpscout relating to this issue with "podcast-title-blank-bug" if you need to communicate directly with customers experiencing the issue.

Comments (1)

  1. Jeremiah Prummer

    Looks like Jack forgot to add a filter for the newer method of editing this file. My guess is a newer update of WordPress killed backwards compatibility. We should probably push this ASAP...

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