Cannot associate image with tax term from preacher edit page (can only insert image into description)

Issue #74 resolved
Allen Cox created an issue

This issue may be the result of a recent update to WP because I have associated preacher images with preacher taxonomy before using this method and now it doesn't work.

Here's how it's supposed to work: when you want to add an image to an existing preacher or change the image associated with a preacher you "edit" the preacher and at the bottom of the edit page you have the option to upload or delete image.


Clicking upload brings up the media library with the option to upload new image or use existing image but no matter which you choose, you can only insert image into post.


Which if you "insert into post" all it does is put the image URL into the preacher description which is worthless with this custom post type.


However, the option to associate the image with the tax term is still available if you click the +/- buttons on the preacher listing page.


Using this method you get the correct button which is associate term not insert into post


So basically we need the option to "associate term" accessible from the preacher edit page just like it is from the +/- shortcut.

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