MSS Icon missing from startmenu after conda install

Issue #115 closed
Joern Ungermann created an issue

The conda is installed as a "script" and can be called from the commandline. Additionally, an icon in the startmenu in the Anaconda folder would be preferabl, similar to Spyder or IPython in Windows (I assume that similar stuff exists under Linux?).

Documentation states ( :

Adding Windows start menu items

When a package is installed it can add a shortcut to the Windows start menu. Conda and conda build handle this with the package menuinst, which only supports Windows at this time. Instructions for using menuinst are available on the menuinst wiki.

The easiest way to ensure a package made with conda constructor does not install any menu shortcuts is by removing menuinst from the list of conda packages included. To do this, add the following to the constuct.yaml file:

  - menuinst

Comments (18)

  1. Joern Ungermann reporter

    A first step would be to include MSS in the Anaconda Navigator, which didn't work on my machine. I think that this requires an "app" section (including an icon) in the meta.yaml...?

    Secondly I do not think that we need an all or nothing approach. The simplest way would be to copy the approach of a conda package that does offer an icon like Spyder or IPython, if that isn't too complex.

  2. Reimar Bauer

    Before implementing we need first a logo which can be used for the whole project for a long time.

    We should start to discuss what the logo should present on #100. There are several designer available who could help with ideas based on a list.

  3. Reimar Bauer

    Adding the image to the mslib/msui/ directory and that small simple line works with gnome. image is then shown in navigation.

    ![diff --git a/mslib/msui/ b/mslib/msui/
    index 96454cf..b93efbe 100644
    --- a/mslib/msui/
    +++ b/mslib/msui/
    @@ -190,6 +190,8 @@ class MSSMainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, ui.Ui_MSSMainWindow):
         def __init__(self, *args):
             super(MSSMainWindow, self).__init__(*args)
    +        self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon('mss.png'))
             # Reference to the flight track that is currently displayed in the
             # views.


    Bildschirmfoto von »2017-02-18 14-15-34«.png

  4. Reimar Bauer

    On ubuntu / gnome a file mss.desktop created on the Desktop will show up as launcher

    [Desktop Entry]
  5. Reimar Bauer

    Für Linux

    d.h. in unserem Fall muss die dahin


    dann geht auch "im starter behalten"  und das icon dahin ./local/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/mss........png

  6. Reimar Bauer

    For 1.4 we will implement this as experimental feature. There are variuos desktops available, which have to be checked or for which we have to improve. The gui will get a parameter to setup a entry into the menue

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