Right time select boxes in the UI

Issue #147 wontfix
Jens-Uwe Grooß created an issue

Do we really need the two right time select boxes and the corresponding slide buttons? I did not use them very often. In the case of campaigns so far, we had 12-hourly or 24-hourly forecasts. It would only be needed if you have forecasts in high time resolution, but you want to see a time series in lower time resolution. Which never was the case in my experience.

Therefore I would propose to remove these buttons from the operating panel, unless someone disagrees.

Comments (4)

  1. Joern Ungermann

    We did discuss this, but we have not documented the arguments. I also cannot recreate the arguments for the current user interface that allows the request on non-existing data. At least with the MSS WMS server that is not sensible and we could remove a bit of clutter from the UI that would make room for an extended layer selection button. But I may be missing some important information, especially with respect to other WMS servers.

  2. Reimar Bauer

    The reason why we keep the two right time select boxes is because we want to read WMS data from other servers by our GUI. The other servers have sometimes a different implementation of time and don't use DATE_INIT.

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