"Linear" plots

Issue #152 new
Jens-Uwe Grooß created an issue

An enhancement would also be to have a linear plot for a given flight route. This would be a simple time/parameter plot of a model parameter (temperature, potential temperature, tracer x mixing ratio,...) interpolated along the proposed flight route. This plot type should be elected in the Menu "Views" next to the plot types "Top View" and "Side View".

Comments (9)

  1. Joern Ungermann

    This would be a useful feature. There are a couple of design questions, though. Should "styles" similar to the hsec/vsec styles be pre-determined to have selections of parameters in a joint plot (rather straightforward), or should the user be able to customize that? Should the data be transmitted as transparent picture or as data?

    A simple version using styles could reuse the wms_control interface and cover most use cases. The axes are typically defined in the frontend. For the y-axis, this might need to change here....

  2. Jens-Uwe Grooß reporter

    I see, that this cannot be realized in short time, but still this would be a very useful feature. Especially a linear plot of potential temperature (theta) along the flight path was needed during the last campaign and it had to be calculated offline.

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