[feature request] automatically save all plots on client

Issue #165 duplicate
Andreas Hilboll created an issue

It would be a nice "history" feature of the client, if all plots requested by the client could be automatically saved as PNG, preferably with a human-readable file name.

The EMeRGe team at IUP-UB would like to have a possibility to look at the images after a MSS "planning session", to remember what they saw.

Comments (11)

  1. Joern Ungermann

    Currently, all graphics retrieved from WMS can be cached with a unique filename in an obscure directory.

    It would be thus possible to store them (additionally?) with human readable filenames.

    Some issues:

    1. What filename to pick? A straightforward unique filename would basically consist of a nicer version of the WMS request containing layer name, level, style, init, and valid time, and some other features like transparency/framing. This could become very long and be not that readable. A more accessible filename would likely be not unique.
    2. The images of the WMS server are rather independent of the planned flightpath (at least for horizontal sections). Would only the WMS images be stored, or should also the flightplan be put on top (including all the other layers introduced by the docking widgets?). This would certainly introduce further complications for picking human readable unique names... But if a timestamp + view name would "uniquefy" filenames, shortened layer/time descriptions might do?
    3. How should this feature be controlled? One might add a parameter to the JSON configuration file (simple) or UI elements to Top-/Sideview (complicated).
  2. Andreas Hilboll reporter

    a) Good question ... to which I don't have a good answer.

    b) Storing only the WMS images, without the flight path, is fine. The user has always the option to manually save the current view, including the flight path, from the UI.

    c) JSON config file is fine. Our team is already using that to define WMS server location and plotting areas, so they're used to it.

  3. Reimar Bauer

    There may be a lot images shown and only a small set you want for documentations like a report.

    Without an abstract also the information may be later inaccurate.

    I don't think that it is a good idea to have that controlled by the json config file. I would expect for that feature a possibility to select the interesting plots manually or (have a select all feature too) and to have a report function which lets me early enter some description for what purpose and why I selected those.

  4. Reimar Bauer
    • changed milestone to 1.6.0

    Because of the proxy idea I had a look on the caching files. They are only partielly usefull for this feature.

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