optimize shared caching by configured sizes

Issue #190 wontfix
Reimar Bauer created an issue

If we are in a region with a very low bandwidth we may use a local proxy or a shared cache directory

A shared cache needs the same topview and sideview geometry on each client for best results.

This needs changes to the configuration file. we need to set the default size there and to fixate windows to this size.We also could use a gui to configure it, see example gui_proxy.png.

The example image misses a second proxy url. For now we would only implement a json configuration and keep those settings guis for later.

Comments (8)

  1. Reimar Bauer reporter

    Another aspect I found is that we may need a different size parameter for the server side requested images.

  2. Reimar Bauer reporter

    this is quite similar to #123

    While layout sizes easily can be adjusted the size of the image requested on the server is based on some calculations. The values become retrieved from

    in mpl_qtwidget

    def getPlotSizePx(self):
            """Determines the size of the current figure in pixels.
            Returns the tuple width, height.
            # (bounds = left, bottom, width, height)
            ax_bounds = self.ax.bbox.bounds
            width = int(round(ax_bounds[2]))
            height = int(round(ax_bounds[3]))
            return width, height
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