hybrid sigma coordinate whould work with float values

Issue #203 closed
Andreas Hilboll created an issue

I have a nc file with a atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate,

double lev(lev) ;
    lev:standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate" ;
    lev:long_name = "hybrid level at layer midpoints (A/P0+B)" ;
    lev:positive = "down" ;
    lev:formula_terms = "ap: hyam b: hybm ps: PS p0: P0" ;

lev = 0.116718480138169, 0.152770787071305, 0.188823094004441,
    0.227128670120898, 0.274447322970639, 0.336186898593634, 
    0.411446089316556, 0.492113126079447, 0.568724278312361, 
    0.638575622995312, 0.702117813964964, 0.759350851221318, 
    0.810274734764372, 0.854889464594128, 0.893195040710585, 
    0.925191463113743, 0.950878731803602, 0.970256846780163, 
    0.983776461880089, 0.99459215396003 ;

when trying to display this with MSS, the MSS GUI only shows me one single model level. I think I traced this down to https://bitbucket.org/wxmetvis/mss/src/3e9bebfb363906d43cc77f23dfe8f804ad394e81/mslib/mswms/mss_2D_sections.py?at=develop&fileviewer=file-view-default#mss_2D_sections.py-186, where the vert_data values are being cast to int, leading to the list [0] being returned from get_elevations.

Is this expected behaviour? I mean, does the rest of the code rely on the elevations being cast to integer? Of course I can preprocess the nc file before feeding it into MSS, so this is not a dealbreaker, but it would be nice to know if this is really necessary.

Comments (8)

  1. Joern Ungermann

    I stumbled upon this some time ago, but worked around it (levels were km originally and were changed to be in m). Removing this limitation would be nice, but I also do not know what relies on this. This patch:

    diff --git a/mslib/mswms/mss_2D_sections.py b/mslib/mswms/mss_2D_sections.py
    index 816b466..95a1248 100644
    --- a/mslib/mswms/mss_2D_sections.py
    +++ b/mslib/mswms/mss_2D_sections.py
    @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class Abstract2DSectionStyle(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
                 # Get a list of the available levels.
                 if self.driver.vert_data is not None:
    -                return [u"{:d}".format(lvl) for lvl in sorted({int(_x) for _x in self.driver.vert_data})]
    +                return [u"{:}".format(lvl) for lvl in sorted({float(_x) for _x in self.driver.vert_data})]
                     return []
    diff --git a/mslib/mswms/wms.py b/mslib/mswms/wms.py
    index e83e92c..0704f56 100644
    --- a/mslib/mswms/wms.py
    +++ b/mslib/mswms/wms.py
    @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ class WMSServer(object):
                 # Vertical level, if applicable.
                 level = query.get('ELEVATION')
    -            level = int(level) if level else None
    +            level = float(level) if level else None
                 layer_datatypes = self.hsec_layer_registry[dataset][layer].required_datatypes()
                 if (("ml" in layer_datatypes) or ("pl" in layer_datatypes)) \
                         and not level:

    seems to allow non-integer levels. That might look very ugly for those hybrid levels, though...

    I am hesitant though to enable this in the stable branch for 1.5.2 release... I'll dig into the OWS specification if there are some limitations posed on the "level" field.

  2. Andreas Hilboll reporter

    Great, thanks a lot!

    I agree about not including this in stable for the next release without being confident about there being no implications ;)

    We're currently working around this issue by changing the lev variable to values 1..20, as EMeRGe is starting now and we don't want to risk our running system. After EMeRGe-EU, we'll be able to try it out.

    BTW, for EMeRGe-EU, we're using MSS 1.4.1; the first forecasting meeting should have been this morning. The ball is rolling :-)

  3. Joern Ungermann

    I would change the status from bug to feature request. And assign it to me, I will prepare the test and add some demodata for it.

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