allow non uniformly spaced grid data

Issue #235 new
Jens-Uwe Grooß created an issue

For aircraft campaigns, one wants on the one side highest possible resolution of displayed model data on the other side a large area of display to get the overall overview. One needs to find a compromise such that the data set are not to big and the resolution is high enough. If would be of great help, if the data grid in the data files could be spaced in a non regular way, e.g. longitude 5, 10,15,...40, 42, 44, 46 ..50, 51, ...70,70.5,71... etc and similar for latitude.

These files could be produced at low numerical cost by the rdf technique (or maybe later by a nested ICON model). Of course one could blow up these files by interpolating on a high resolution grid everywhere, but this likely would make things slow. If it could be managed, that this interpolation is carried out just before plotting, it may make thigs fast and benefiting.

This would be a great improvement of for flight planning isues.

Comments (9)

  1. Joern Ungermann

    Seems like a good idea. I am not sure that this is not already supported, as long as the grid is rectilinear. Could you provide an example file for testing?

  2. Jens-Uwe Grooß reporter

    yes it is an issue. It would save computing time for the RDF CLaMS forecast. I didn’t see this example request. It may work already but currently my focus is on the campaign. Try to have an example asap.

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