table view save dialog

Issue #322 wontfix
Reimar Bauer created an issue

Should we also have a "Save Button" on table view?

This could be used to directly store ftml files, or any other format.

Comments (8)

  1. Joern Ungermann

    Mmmh. The save feature is located in the main menu. I do not see the need to complicate things by offering multiple ways of doing the same thing. There should bt one (obvious) way to do it in Python ;-)

  2. Reimar Bauer reporter


    We have on all windows a top navigation for save, as the main window is on small screens not on foreground, we should do solve this similar as on the other views too.

  3. Joern Ungermann

    The other navigation abrs are actually matplotlib's. And they do not save the flighttrack, but the figure. Including a save button here that saves the flighttrack would generate two options for doing the same thing, which is generally frowned upon and not Pythonic?

    I see however the apparent inconsistency. Part of the buttons of the lower right are seemingly similar to the waypoint buttons we added to the anvigation bar. Still, I hesitate to add here a ribbon like navigation bar....

  4. Reimar Bauer reporter

    if those buttons not given by matplotlib I don't expect that we would add that functionality to the main gui.

    But somehow I was starting from a wrong point of view. I thought I could have on screen different data on different table views. So that I can look at the same time on different modified flightpathes.

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