output to vectorized formats, e.g. pdf sometimes don't show the flightpath line

Issue #361 new
Isabell Krisch created an issue

When saving a topview to a pdf file, the flightpath vanishes. Saving the same topview to png keeps the flightpath.

Comments (13)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    @isabell_krisch can you provide the flightpath?

    with the builtin server / data I can't reproduce this

  2. Joern Ungermann

    I cannot reproduce the problem either. @isabell_krisch , can you provide a more accurate description for reproducing the error? If I immediately save the Topview after starting the program, the PNG and PDF both are identical and show the flight pathg.

  3. Isabell Krisch reporter

    @ReimarBauer @joernu76: Flight path only vanishes when saving with atmospheric data (for example cloud cover). The error is reproducible both with Python 3.6.6 and Python 2.7.14 and both times mss 1.7.3. I further tried different Webmap Services (including internal ones and EUMETSAT) and the problem is persistent.

  4. Reimar Bauer

    The issue is related to the matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf.FigureCanvasPdf

    From the ToDo there

    # TODOs:
    # * encoding of fonts, including mathtext fonts and unicode support
    # * TTF support has lots of small TODOs, e.g., how do you know if a font
    #   is serif/sans-serif, or symbolic/non-symbolic?
    # * draw_markers, draw_line_collection, etc.
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