How do I get mss to find nappy?

Issue #367 wontfix
Karina Adcock created an issue

I am using windows. I installed the mss tool using anaconda. I need it to open NASA Ames files. The nappy package isn't available on anaconda so I pip installed it. It is now in conda list. But when I open the mss tool I still get the warning that nappy is not available. How do I get mss to see that nappy is there?

Comments (5)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    Hi @KarinaAdcock

    I guess you have anaconda2. nappy isn't yet on python3. mss is working with both python versions.

    If you have setup a conda environment for mss, then you need to add nappy to this environment. In the list where you have nappy is there also mss?

  2. Karina Adcock reporter

    I have anaconda3.

    I didn't install it into an environment I just used 'conda install mss'.

    nappy and mss are both in the same conda listconda list.PNG

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