mss and matplotlib 3.0

Issue #368 resolved
Reimar Bauer created an issue

because we have a basemap 1.1.* entry we had in the past also a matplotlib 2.2.* entry in the build meta.yaml but because of the change to pyproj we have to use matplotlib 3.0

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Comments (7)

  1. Reimar Bauer reporter
    mssdev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mpl_toolkits/basemap/", line 1709, in drawmapboundary
        limb = ax.axesPatch
    AttributeError: 'AxesSubplot' object has no attribute 'axesPatch'
  2. Reimar Bauer reporter

    The axesPatch function was deprecated in version 2.1. Use Axes.patch instead. limb = ax.axesPatch

    The axesPatch function was deprecated in version 2.1. Use Axes.patch instead. if limb is not ax.axesPatch:

  3. Joern Ungermann

    The current development branch works currently without a hitch with basemap 1.2.0 and matplotlib 3.0.2 (except for the PROJ_LIB issue, where I had a crash in pytest. I fixed this by patching basemap. Using an environment should work as well).

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