views cannot be closed without titlebar

Issue #373 closed
Joern Ungermann created an issue

Some window (tiling) managers do not display titlebars for normal applications. There is currently no way of closing a view in such a setup.

Solution: Add a common key such as Ctrl+w for closing the view.

Comments (7)

  1. Joern Ungermann reporter

    ALT+F4 does not work for linux. My window manager has a key combination specific to it that closes windows, which works. However, ctrl+w for closing windows and ctrl+q for closing the whole application is a rather common scheme. Ctrl+q is implemented in the mainwindow and might be implemented in the view-windows.

  2. Reimar Bauer

    ALT+F4 works in my linux setup, I have to activate the window I want to close first.

    This also works with the main gui, for me.

    How have you tried with linux?

  3. Joern Ungermann reporter

    Always is a strong word. On my linux system and my window manager (awesome), Alt+F4 does not work. There are different standards. I would assume that some keys are defined by the window managers, both under Linux and Windows Alt+F4 sounds like such a combination. This will send the same signal to the QT application as pushing the "close" button and is thus supported out-of-the-box.

    However. Many Applications support ctrl+W and ctrl+Q in addition. Especially ctrl+w is very often used for closing sub-windows.This is not a OS-features, but an application feature.

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