Better structure of names displayed in the choice panel "Layer"

Issue #46 duplicate
Jens-Uwe Grooß created an issue

The string displayed in the choice panel "Layer" of the horizontal view is currently rather long an contains the netCDF standard name, a label for the map section, pl/tl for pressure/theta levels. With the availability of CLaMS and CAMS the choice list is rather long and not well structured, such it is difficult to find the desired parameter. Shorten and structure the displayed name such that the parameter can be found quickly, e.g. CLaMS_thetalevels_<standard_name> CAMS_pressurelevels_<standard_name>

Comments (10)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    May be the dialog should be changed to have some more options.

    I would prefer some kind of grouping feature, e.g. like tabs or checkbox buttons where I could preselect the scope I am interested in.

    [ClaMS] [CAMS] [ECMWF] .... [P] [T] ...

  2. Jens-Uwe Grooß reporter

    yes, but if additional dialogue would be too difficult, the "layer names" could be named by <source model> | <standard_name> | <level type> Then, the alphabetical order would naturally group the "layer names" together.

    current source models : CAMS, CLaMS, (ECMWF) current level types : pressure level, theta level

  3. Jens-Uwe Grooß reporter

    The fact that different model input (e.g. CLaMS, DYN, S3d) is grouped together is the major step. Further ease of access to the desired product could be though of by changing the UI structure. E.g. select model name and layer type (pressure, theta, altitude) beforehand would reduce the list of shown layers and would give a better overview. This is not a strong wish anymore but I would leave it open for discussion.

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