Overplot Asian Monsoon Anticyclone boundary for STRATOCLIM

Issue #51 closed
Jens-Uwe Grooß created an issue

As a special request for the Stratoclim Aircraft Measurement campaign in 2016 and 2017, it would be desirable to overplot the edge of the Asian Monsoon Anticyclone that is defined by Ploeger et al., (Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13.145-13.159, 2015). It is a PV value between potential temperatures of 370 and 390K (90hPa < pressure < 120 hPa). It should be displayed optionally.

Comments (9)

  1. Marc R. repo owner

    The "WMS-correct" way of doing this would be add a layer on the server side that returns a map displaying the desired data. Two options: a) Extend the server so that it can simultaneously plot two layers (that is defined in the WMS standard) b) The code that our student has written that enables overlay of multiple layers in the client would lead to the same result.

  2. Jens-Uwe Grooß reporter

    yes, especially for the StratoClim campaign. On the maps it may be done as kml overlay that should be calculated differently. On the vertical plots it would be more complicated. However, as this is very special for one purpose, it may be done in a separate branch, not in the main development.

  3. Reimar Bauer

    @grooss Marc pointed that this feature has to become implemented the WMS-correct way.

    I am not sure if I understand you correctly, do you talk about forking mss and doing it on your own?

  4. Jens-Uwe Grooß reporter

    The AMA border after Ploeger et al. is a formula derived from the quantities air_potential_temperature and ertel_potential_vorticity. This should be over-plotted as one contour over the horizontal and vertical plots for the StratoClim campaign. It is rather special and I suppose no-one else would need this. We could do it by just including it in our server representation or including it generally in the mswms code with some switch. ( A kml overplot layer solution for the horizontal plots would be much more complicated to use.) What would be better?

  5. Reimar Bauer

    Please continue discussion with a generic solution for mss in #159

    The current idea here is related to one local server party.

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