status bar of main widget on bottom

Issue #579 wontfix
Reimar Bauer created an issue

The status bar is moved up if we have more controls open.

It should be always on bottom.

Comments (6)

  1. Aryan

    @Reimar Bauer , sorry for the delay. I have been occupied with university work.

    I had searched about this before, but didn’t find much about shifting status bars over dock widgets. I think the purpose for this contraption is that the status of a particular dock widget is shown inside that dock widget itself.

    So if you removed a KML File, it will show that status inside KML Overlay , and not under any other widget.

    To make the status bar go to the bottom, maybe we have to do some thing in the QMain Window.

    I had also found some things on ‘tabbifying dockwidget’. Maybe that might help.

    I would like to work on it, but I might be able to work on it only over the weekend. By when do you need it finished??

  2. Aryan

    @Reimar Bauer , I searched this issue, and didn’t find anything concretely helpful. I believe this is not a bug, but by design.

    • It has been designed to let the status of a particular dockwidget be shown inside that one, and none else.
    • If all the status bars are at the bottom, then it would be part of the QMainWindow, and somehow if we connect the status bars to the Main Window (Topview UI), there will be conflicts of statuses between different dock widgets as well.

    I tried adding a status bar to the topview as well. But when a dockwidget is opened, the status bar went to the top. (See Image)

    Do let me know how else I can be of assistance :))

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