server get capabilities show version of mss server

Issue #99 wontfix
Reimar Bauer created an issue

For development process and comparing some issues it would be good to have the exact server version based on git visible in the get capabilities xml view.

This should be disabled at the moment the server is used for data.

Comments (10)

  1. Joern Ungermann

    As a new feature, the milestone should be 1.4.0. That aside, the actual git revision/tag (e.g. the output of git describe) should also be displayed in the log for both server and client. I also do not see the harm of having this always enabled. that would help up interpret logfiles correctly.

  2. Reimar Bauer reporter

    In normal Operation this of course ist no issue but at the moment we have a dumb security bug it is. We could add it always to logfile but should have in the XML a User could access it not in produktive Systems.

  3. Joern Ungermann

    The xml document has no field that could be readily used to that purpose. One could add that information to the end of the "service abstract" which is a human readable string describing the service.

    However, for that, the git revision needs to be accessible to the python code. In other projects, I constructed the file in from a template, specifying the package version and git/mercurial revision in there. This could then be added by the WMS server automatically/manually into the service abstract.

  4. Reimar Bauer reporter

    We don't need a field we also could have a simple comment

     <!-- mss-1.3.2 gitversion string -->
  5. Reimar Bauer reporter

    it would also be interesting to have a hash by all available data. A change of the hash could signal the gui that we have other data on the server.

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