
Clone wiki

logquery / Syntax

Query Syntax

selectStatement      =>  <simpleQueryStatement>
                         [ORDER BY (<column_name> | <expresion> | <position>) [ASC | DESC],...)]
                         [LIMIT [offset, ] rowcount]

simpleQueryStatement =>  <simpleSelectStatement> | unionStatement

simpleSelectStatment =>  SELECT <select_expression>[, <select_expression> ...]
                         FROM   <tableSource>
                         [WHERE <where_condition>]
                         [GROUP BY <expresion>[, <expression> ...]
                         [HAVING <where_condition>]
                         [PIVOT <dataExpression> ON <columnHeaderExpression> 
                               [(BEFORE | AFTER) (position | coloumn_name)]

unionStatement       =>  <queryStatement> [UNION <queryStatement>]

queryStatement       =>  '(' <selectStatement> ')' | <simpleSelectStatement>

tableSource          =>  <subTableSource> [joinClause ...]

subTableSource       =>  <dataSource>
                         TRANSFORM '('<expression> AS <identifier>,...')'

dataSource           =>  <fileDataSource> | <customDataSource> | '(' <selectStatement> ')'

fileDataSource       =>  <string_literal> [USING <identifier>'('fieldName=<expression>, ...')']

customDataSource     =>  <identifier>'('fieldName=<expression>, ... ')'

select_expression    =>  (<wildcard> | <columnName> | <expression>) [AS <identifier>]

wildcard             =>  [<identifier>'.'] *

columnName           =>  [<identifier>'.'] <identifier>

identifier           =>  (Letter | '_' | '#') (Letter | Digit | '_')* 
                         '[' (~']')* ']' (']' (~']')* ']')* // [some text]
                         '"' (~'"')* '"' ('"' (~'"')* '"')* // " some text "


Expressions are a combination of column names, function calls and operators

Operators: + | - | * | / | %


Table source can be specified as either a file name, which will then use the TEXTLINE data source, or as one of the other supported data sources

File datasource

    SELECT * FROM 'file.txt'
    SELECT * FROM 'file.txt' USING TEXTLINE           
    SELECT * FROM 'file.txt' USING CSV(heading=true)

Custom datasource

    SELECT * FROM <data_source_name> [(<property>=<expression>[, <property>=<expression> ...])]

    SELECT * FROM TEXTLINE(fileName='file.txt')
