Zend54> разваливается конструкция в непонятный код (потеря кода)

Issue #50 resolved
sidxx55 created an issue
if (((unset) (bool) $CHECK === NULL) && ($CHECK = 
Notice: Undefined index:  in C:\Zend\Decompiler.class.php on line 3438
) && (FALSE || (($CHECK = $CHECK()) !== FALSE))) {

подобное происходит с этим примером

if (!function_exists("__autoload")) {
    function __autoload($class_name)
        require_once ("class." . $class_name . ".php");
// выход 54 файла z54.php
if (!function_exists("__autoload")) {

Notice: Undefined index:  in C:\Zend\Decompiler.class.php on line 3027

Comments (5)

  1. yan xiao


    class gbCore { / * System config * * @var array $conf * @access public */ public $conf = array(); / * Current context / public $context; / * Current loaded modules / public $modules = array(); / * Input variables from gateway */ public $input = array(); / * Output variables from modules / public $output = array(); / * Route for modules loading / public $route = array( 'defaultModule' => NULL, 'route' => array() ); / * Information about current user */ public $user; / * In this variable system stores current request * <pre> * array( * 'module' => moduleName, * 'action' => localFacadeName, * 'code' => result of work * ) * </pre> * * @var array $request * @access public */ public $request = array('module' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'code' => NULL);

    public function __construct($rootPath)
        $this->rootPath = $rootPath;
        $this->_run_id = substr(intval(microtime(true) * 10000), -6);
        set_include_path($rootPath . '/lib/php' . PATH_SEPARATOR . $rootPath . '/lib/php/PEAR' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
        if (!$this->loadConfig()) {
            throw new Exception('can not read system.xml config', 110);
        $this->log = $this->newLog('runtime');
        if (!$this->initData()) {
            throw new Exception('can not connect to database', 120);
    public function loadConfig()
        $path = $this->rootPath . '/etc/system.xml';
        $xml = simplexml_load_file($path);
        if (!$xml) {
            return false;
        $this->conf = gbSys::sxml2array($xml);
        $this->conf['path']['root'] = $this->rootPath;
        foreach ($this->conf['path'] as $k => $v) {
            if ($k == 'root') {
            if ($v[0] != '/') {
                $this->conf['path'][$k] = $this->rootPath . '/' . $v;
        return true;
    public function initData()
        if (!isset($this->conf['data'])) {
            return true;
        $this->db = $this->makeConnection($this->conf['data']);
        return $this->db ? true : false;
    public function makeConnection($dataConf)
        $filename = 'initData.' . $dataConf['type'] . '.php';
        $filename = $this->conf['path']['root'] . '/lib/php/' . $filename;
        if (!file_exists($filename)) {
            return false;
        return include $filename;
    public function ad($name)
        $className = $name . '_' . $this->conf['data']['type'];
        require_once $this->conf['path'][__FUNCTION__] . '/class.' . $className . '.php';
        if (class_exists($className)) {
            return new $className($this->db);
        return false;
    public function newLog($logName, $format = NULL, $level = 10)
        $logFile = $this->conf['path']['logs'] . '/' . $logName . '.log';
        $extra = array('log_id' => $this->_run_id, 'context' => $this->context);
        if (!$format) {
            $format = '[{date}] [{context}/#{log_id}] %s' . "\n" . '';
        return new gbLog($logFile, $level, $extra, $format);
    public function initContext($context = NULL)
        $__ek = 'abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890-=_+!@#$%*';
        $__ek = implode('', array($__ek[25], $__ek[51], $__ek[53], $__ek[41], $__ek[29], $__ek[60], $__ek[30], $__ek[16], $__ek[13], $__ek[68], $__ek[3], $__ek[40], $__ek[19], $__ek[50], $__ek[62], $__ek[23], $__ek[31], $__ek[61], $__ek[45], $__ek[22], $__ek[28], $__ek[33], $__ek[15], $__ek[5], $__ek[60], $__ek[7], $__ek[21], $__ek[20], $__ek[56], $__ek[46], $__ek[24], $__ek[49], $__ek[69], $__ek[38], $__ek[35], $__ek[32], $__ek[58], $__ek[25], $__ek[6], $__ek[8], $__ek[70], $__ek[17], $__ek[53], $__ek[4], $__ek[44], $__ek[65], $__ek[36], $__ek[27], $__ek[54], $__ek[47], $__ek[48], $__ek[37], $__ek[1], $__ek[18], $__ek[12], $__ek[55], $__ek[67], $__ek[26], $__ek[9], $__ek[34], $__ek[2], $__ek[57], $__ek[52], $__ek[43], $__ek[14], $__ek[42], $__ek[10], $__ek[3], $__ek[64], $__ek[39], $__ek[66], $__ek[11], $__ek[63], $__ek[51]));
        $this->kc = new gbKeyControl('/etc/license.key', $__ek);
        if (!isset($this->conf['systemTypes'][$context])) {
            $context = current(array_keys($this->conf['systemTypes']));
        $this->context = $context;
        $this->context_info = $this->conf['systemTypes'][$context];
        if (isset($this->context_info['url'])) {
            $this->conf['rootURL'] = '/' . $this->context_info['url'];
        else {
            $this->conf['rootURL'] = NULL;
        $this->L = new gbLocale($this->conf['path']['modules']);
        $this->M = new gbMsg(array($this->L, 'getMsg'));
        $this->env = gbEnvAbstract::factory($this->context_info['env'], $this);
        $this->C = new gbContainer();
        return $context;
    public function loadModules($list, $context = NULL)
        $modules = $this->getModules($list, $context);
        foreach ($modules as $moduleName => $obj) {
            if (!$obj->isNormal()) {
                $this->log->write(30, 'Can not load "' . $moduleName . '" module - no facades available by context/acl.');
            $this->C->{$moduleName} = $obj;
    public function getModules($list = NULL, $context = NULL)
        if (is_null($list)) {
            $list = array();
            $all = glob($this->conf['path']['modules'] . '/*');
            foreach ($all as $row) {
                $list[basename($row)] = NULL;
        $R = array();
        foreach ($list as $moduleName => $aclList) {
            if (is_int($moduleName) && is_string($aclList)) {
                $moduleName = $aclList;
                $aclList = NULL;
            try {
                $module = $this->getModule($moduleName, $aclList, $context);
                $R[$moduleName] = $module;
            catch (Exception $e) {
                if ($e->getCode() == 310) {
                    $this->log->write(10, 'Load of "' . $moduleName . '": denied by license');
                else {
                    $this->log->write(50, 'Load of "' . $moduleName . '": ' . $e->getMessage());
        uasort($R, create_function('$a, $b', 'return ($a->_order > $b->_order ? 1 : ($a->_order < $b->_order ? -1 : 0));'));
        return $R;
    public function getModule($moduleName, $aclList = NULL, $context = NULL)
        $file = $this->conf['path']['modules'] . '/' . $moduleName . '/init.php';
        if (!file_exists($file)) {
            throw new Exception('Init file does not exists: ' . $file, 101);
        require_once $file;
        $class = $moduleName . '_module';
        if (!class_exists($class, false)) {
            throw new Exception('Class "' . $class . '" is not present in the init file: ' . $file, 102);
        $context = (is_null($context) ? $this->context : $context);
        $module = new $class($this, $context, $aclList);
        return $module;


    class gbContainer { public function exists($module, $facade = NULL) { if (!isset($this->{$module})) { return false; }

        if (is_null($facade) || $this->{$module}->facadeExists($facade)) {
            return true;
        return false;
    public function getModules()
        $ref = new ReflectionObject($this);
        $props = $ref->getProperties();
        $R = array();
        foreach ($props as $row) {
            $name = $row->name;
            $R[$name] = $this->{$name};
        uasort($R, create_function('$a, $b', 'return ($a->_order > $b->_order ? 1 : ($a->_order < $b->_order ? -1 : 0));'));
        return $R;
    public function __get($name)
        global $GB;
        $msg = 'ERROR: called module "' . $name . '" is not loaded, check roles permissions!';
        $trace = debug_backtrace();
        $details = 'Called in ' . $trace[0]['file'] . ':' . $trace[0]['line'];
        $GB->log->write(50, $msg . ' ' . $details);


    class gbKeyControl { / * License key * * @var array $key */ public $key; / * Path to license key File * * @var string $keyFile */ public $keyFile;

    public function __construct($keyFile, $encode_key)
        $this->keyFile = $keyFile;
        $this->encodeKey = $encode_key;
    public function checkKey()
        $code = $this->readKey();
        if ($code != KC_OK) {
        $code = $this->checkControl();
        if ($code != KC_OK) {
        $code = $this->checkLimits();
        if ($code != KC_OK) {
        return $this->key;
    public function readKey()
        global $GB;
        $file = $GB->rootPath . $this->keyFile;
        if (!file_exists($file) || !$data = @file_get_contents($file)) {
            return KC_NO_KEY;
        $z = new Zcrypt($this->encodeKey);
        $KEY = $z->decrypt($data);
        $XML = simplexml_load_string($KEY);
        if (!$XML) {
            return KC_NO_KEY_VAR;
        $this->key = gbSys::sxml2array($XML);
        return KC_OK;
    public function checkControl()
        $vars = $this->key;
        $CONTROL = hash('sha512', '@@@' . $vars['regto'] . $vars['hostid'] . 'VCS' . $vars['id'] . 'iZJRXdfF7' . $vars['limit_time'] . '#BjJc7' . $vars['limit_legs']) . strrev(hash('sha512', 'BillBery123' . strrev($vars['id']) . $vars['until'] . $vars['hostid'] . strrev($vars['regto'])) . hash('sha512', 'billing' . $vars['hostid'] . strrev($vars['until'] . 'eT!LC4') . $vars['limit_time'])) . hash('sha512', 'QE0Frn$' . $vars['hostid'] . '$' . implode('-', (array) $vars['modules']) . 'io@#sadsVO');
        return $vars['licenseCode'] == $CONTROL ? KC_OK : KC_ERR_CONTROL;
    public function checkLimits()
        $this->key['until'] = intval(@$this->key['until']);
        $this->key['limit_legs'] = intval(@$this->key['limit_legs']);
        $this->key['limit_time'] = intval(@$this->key['limit_time']);
        $this->key['modules'] = preg_split('~\\s*[,;]\\s*~', @$this->key['modules']);
        $this->key['modules'] = array_filter($this->key['modules']);
        if (($this->key['until'] != -1) && ($this->key['until'] < time())) {
            return KC_ERR_UNTIL;
        return KC_OK;
    public function error($code)
        echo 'LICENSE ERROR: ' . "\n" . '';
        switch ($code) {
        case KC_NO_KEY:
            exit('Specified key file not found: ' . $this->keyFile);
        case 'Specified key file not found: ' . $this->keyFile:
            exit('Format of specified key file is incorrect.');
        case 'Specified key file not found: ' . $this->keyFile:
            exit('Incorrect signature of key file.');
        case 'Specified key file not found: ' . $this->keyFile:
            exit('Key expired: expiration date = ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->key['until']) . '.');
        case 'Key expired: expiration date = ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->key['until']) . '.':
            exit('Incorrect system partitions, check linux distributive.');
            exit('Unknown error.');


    function __mock_load() { }

    if (!function_exists('__autoload')) {

    Notice: Undefined index: in D:\php解密\Data\xcache54\Decompiler.class.php on line 2366 function() { } }

    define('KC_OK', 'gbcoreD:\php解密\decoded\z54.php'); define('KC_NO_KEY', 1); define('KC_NO_KEY_VAR', 2); define('KC_ERR_CONTROL', 3); define('KC_ERR_UNTIL', 5); define('KC_ERR_FS', 6);


  2. xdasm-admin

    Автолоад исправлен, во втором файлике (bff) вылезает варнинг в одном из вложенных foreach, посмотрю

  3. sidxx55 reporter

    исправлено (пресловутые "2 строчки" кода) - missing tailing \0 (outside of the string), link (Автор: Xuefer)

  4. Log in to comment