Add a GetTimeout method.

Issue #618 resolved
Former user created an issue

This request is to add a GetTimeout method which would set the timeout value used in the first method for webresource (WebResourceContainer extractItems(URL resourceUrl, int maxItems)) where the list of feed items is built, and override the 30 second default value.

In order to get the correct title which must be created in the first method, it is necessary with some sites to access additional url's or do more complex processing. If there are too many items or a slow network or slow sites or a slow cpu. extractitems will timeout.

It would be best to be able to set a value in the groovy with a GetTimeout method just like GetVersion with the default being 30 as now. Then the author can adjust or even provide a groovy parm so the user can control it themselves. Currently my only choice is to reduce function or eliminate feeds in order to stay within 30 seconds...something I should not have to do because of an arbitrary limit

Comments (2)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    added getExtractItemsTimeout() method to WebResourceUrlExtractor that can be overwritten by plugin devs

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