New devices have unrestricted access by default

Issue #1124 new
Former user created an issue

New devices are given full access to the entire media library if "enable access for new devices" is checked. This means that new devices with unknown/unassigned guest users are given the highest level of access, above known devices and existing users! This makes no sense, and goes directly against all security best practices. The only two options right now for new devices are either 1) full access to everything or 2) no access to anything.

Additionally, it is easy for an existing device with an assigned user to change IP address after a router reboot or upgrade. This will cause it to become a "new device" and allow it access to the entire media library. So, to prevent kids from accidentally accessing inappropriate content, access for new devices must be turned off. New devices must then be enabled manually and assigned a user. It's a hassle if you have guests or friends over and want to show off your media (but not your private stuff). This completely defeats the purpose of plug-n-play that DLNA is supposed to provide. If I had known the Users "security" feature was so backwards, I probably would not have purchased a Pro license.

A potential solution would be to add an "Unassigned" checkbox in the "Users with access" sections of the shared folders and online content. Unchecking this would prevent new devices from having access.

I don't use the content rating to restrict access, but I assume the same problem applies here as well (new devices can access R and X-rated content). There should be a place in the "Users" page to set the maximum rating of the "Unassigned" users.

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