User restrictions not working properly, gererate genre(presentation) folders of files not accessible

Issue #1125 resolved
Former user created an issue

In short: users who are not allowed access to a shared folder can still find the genre folder created with contend only from that shared folder. It's empty for them, but if the genre name contains any explicit wording the harm is possibly already done.

I assume this also affect all the other categories that base itself from meta data about the file.

Possible solutions: 1: create separate genre (presentation) folders for each user according to if they can access the content or not.

2: a setting to turn off genre (and/or presentation tags) sorting on certain shared folders. (This will also help on 'fixing' the 'problem' if the shared files are tagged in a bad way)

3: automatically hide (all?) empty folders. Movie folders without movies are hidden, why doesn't that happens to empty genre folders?

Comments (3)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    genres and series are now hidden for users who don’t have access to the video files

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