TV Show episodes mis-identified as Movies

Issue #1156 wontfix
Dan created an issue

If a TV show episode isn’t contained in database, Serviio is treating it as a movie. Even though the file is contained within a folder with an IMDB ID number in the folder name. An example is Hee Haw, an American comedy show that ran for appx 21 seasons. Thetvdb doesn’t list all episodes, and is even missing some seasons. What is available is found at Many of the later seasons only list one or two episodes, when there should be 24 or more. lists only two seasons, IMDB shows 23 seasons total, along with some unidentified episodes from unknown seasons.

On the computer, the folder is named J:\Media\TV_8\Hee Haw tt0063908, and each episode named appropriately: Hee Haw - S20E06.ts. Serviio is placing the episodes that are unlisted into the Movie Titles section. Plex keeps them as TV episodes, but that’s probably because each library location is marked as Movies or TV Shows, not grouped together as video. If Serviio would recognize the IMDB tag in the folder name and just treat all files within that folder as TV, that would clear things up when the metadata is missing.

Comments (3)

  1. Dan reporter

    It doesn’t help much, but TheTVDB now has all episodes of this particular TV show, so the problem has gone away. I don’t know if you’ll be able to find another example to test.

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