[CDS API] Add filename to object response

Issue #1160 resolved
Will Lunniss created an issue

I’ve had a request to show the filename for Films/TV Shows that have metadata associated with them such that the title element is a friendly display name rather than the filename. They would like this to help them track files that have been incorrectly matched up to online metadata.

Could either go for always adding it or only including it if != title. Example response would be

<object id="V_M^V*650" type="ITEM" fileType="VIDEO" parentId="V_M">
<title>Big Buck Bunny</title>
<description>Follow a day of the life of Big Buck Bunny when he meets three bullying rodents: Frank, Rinky, and Gamera. The rodents amuse themselves by harassing helpless creatures by throwing fruits, nuts and rocks at them. After the deaths of two of Bunny's favorite butterflies, and an offensive attack on Bunny himself, Bunny sets aside his gentle nature and orchestrates a complex plan for revenge.</description>
<contentUrl quality="ORIGINAL" resolution="1280x720" transcoded="false" fileSize="416751190" mimeType="video/mp4">/cds/resource/650/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_MP4_MP_HD_720p_AAC-0/ORIGINAL?profile=serviigo_hls</contentUrl>
<contentUrl quality="MEDIUM" resolution="854x480" preferred="true" transcoded="true" mimeType="application/vnd.apple.mpegurl">/cds/resource/650/MANIFEST/HLS-0/MEDIUM.m3u8?profile=serviigo_hls</contentUrl>
<contentUrl quality="LOW" resolution="426x240" transcoded="true" mimeType="application/vnd.apple.mpegurl">/cds/resource/650/MANIFEST/HLS-0/LOW.m3u8?profile=serviigo_hls</contentUrl>
<audioTrack id="2" languageCode="eng" channels="6" codec="AAC" default="true"/>
<identifier type="TMDB">10378</identifier>
<identifier type="IMDB">tt1254207</identifier>

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