Show which file is going to be transcoded

Issue #167 wontfix
Petr Nejedly repo owner created an issue

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I noticed here:

    that transcoded files are supposed to have the DLNA.ORG_CI flag set to 1 so presumably this is the on-spec way to do this. I guess then it's down to the renderer whether they mark those files with a different icon or whatever. I'm at work now, but I seem to recall that most DLNA servers don't abide by this.

    Still, it would be nice to have Serviio optionally suffix the files with a label like say (T).

  2. Petr Nejedly reporter

    Serviio indeed adds CI=1 flag to the transcoded resource. The thing with a suffix is that a library item may be represented by many resources, one of those may be the original format, then a couple of transcoded versions, a subtitle file, etc.
    So with this logic adding a suffix might not be accurate as the renderer might decide it can play the non-transcoded resource.

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