Serviio service needs to be restarted after system sleep in Windows 7/Vista

Issue #192 resolved
Former user created an issue

Steps to reproduce:

Start the Serviio service and confirm that Serviio is visible from your DLNA device.

Cause Windows to go to sleep (for W7: Start button->expand Shutdown->click Sleep)

Cause Windows to wake up again. Login if necessary.

Attempt to access Serviio from your DLNA device.

What I expected to happen:

I expected that the service would be visible since the machine was now awake.

What happened instead:

Instead the service is not visible/accessible. I have to stop and start the service (I do this from the Serviio console) before my TV can see Serviio agin.

Comments (4)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    added a solution to detecting waking up from sleep.

    It'll only work if the machine has been sleeping at least 1 minute

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