Films begining with "The".

Issue #296 resolved
Former user created an issue

Would it be possible to add some additional parsing to the file names to look for ", The" or " The" on the end, and if found move "The " to the front before doing a metadata lookup.

IE "Cave (2005), The.avi" Would become "The Cave (2005).avi"

A common naming convention for films being with "The" is to place it on the end of the file name so in your directory listing you don't have hundreds of films listed under T

  • Cave (2005), The.avi
  • Day after Tomorrow, The.avi
  • Descent (2005), The.avi
  • Last Samurai, The.avi
  • Matador, The.avi
  • Mist, The.avi
  • Ring, The.avi
  • Road, The.avi
  • Tomb (2007), The.avi
  • Wild (2006), The.avi
  • etc

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