Enable setting max. transcoding resolution on renderer profiles

Issue #313 resolved
Former user created an issue

Request : Add renderer profiles option (like forceStereo option) to force frame size and aspect ratio of output video with ffmpeg command options : forceSize : ffmpeg option -s size' : Set frame size. The format iswxh' (ffserver default = 160x128, ffmpeg default = same as source). forceAspect : ffmpeg option `-aspect aspect' :Set aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9 or 1.3333, 1.7777).

For ozpete999 that could resolved his Toshiba SD format limitation. http://forum.serviio.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2039&start=10#p11545

Comments (9)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    This is really needed. As it stands, I can't use Serviio to stream to some of my low-powered, low-resolution devices - which I can just fine with PS3 Media Server because for those I just tell it to downsize to, say, 320x240.

    I'd actually vote for two configuration options, per profile, for arbitrary extra options to ffmpeg, both at the beginning and end of the command call. This really shouldn't be hard to implement at all, and should allow people to tweak things nicely for problematic renderers.

    Any chance of this happening soon?

  2. Petr Nejedly repo owner
    • changed version to 1.0
    • changed component to server

    resolution has to be implemented as a part of delivery quality settings for CDS API

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